Parallel simulations

Vahana supports parallel simulations using MPI (Message Passing Interface), allowing for significant performance improvements when running large-scale models. To run a Vahana simulation in parallel, you can use the mpirun or mpiexec command, specifying the number of processes with the -np parameter. For example:

mpirun -np 4 julia your_model.jl

The -np parameter indicates the number of processes/threads to be used for the simulation.

This approach works without any additional changes in the model code. However, there are ways to further optimize performance in a parallel simulation:

MPI.jl Integration

Vahana utilizes the MPI.jl package for its parallel computing capabilities. While no specific MPI knowledge is required to use Vahana's parallel features, users may find it beneficial to review the Configuration section of the MPI.jl documentation for a deeper understanding of the underlying parallel computing framework. For advanced users or specific scenarios, it's possible to work directly with MPI.jl functions within your Vahana model. When using Vahana in parallel mode, MPI is automatically initialized, and the following MPI-related variables are available:

  • mpi.comm: The MPI communicator object.
  • mpi.rank: An integer identifying the current process (0-based).
  • mpi.size: The total number of processes in the parallel computation.

Remember that while direct use of MPI functions can provide additional flexibility, it also requires careful handling to maintain consistency across all processes and avoid potential race conditions or deadlocks.


The simulation graph is partitioned and distributed in the finish_init! call. By default, the Metis.jl package is used for this. However, during this process, the information about the different agent types is lost. As a result, if multiple agent types are used, it is possible that the number of agents is unevenly distributed for a single agent type.

To address this issue, an alternative partitioning scheme, :EqualAgentNumbers, is available. However, this scheme ignores the edges and number of cuts in the graph.

In order to optimize the partitioning for your specific model, it can be very useful to perform your own partitioning and pass it to finish_init!. An example of this can be seen in the create_partition function of the Vahana Episim Example.

Using @rootonly

It's helpful to understand that in MPI programs, all processes execute the same program code, but operate on different data. In a typical Vahana program, up to the finish_init! call, all processes runs the same code that creates the initial graph and therefore, if there are n processes, the complete graph is generated n times. However, at the finish_init! step, only the graph from process 0 (the root process) is considered, and the graphs constructed on all other processes are discarded.

Although this is not necessarily problematic, it can be beneficial to construct the graph only on the root processes, especially if files are being read during the initialization phase.

To execute instructions only on the root process, you can use the @rootonly macro. For example, the Vahana Episim example includes the following code before the finish_init! call:

    @rootonly begin
        worldid = add_agent!(sim, World())
        healthauthid = add_agent!(sim, HealthAuthority(0, 0, 0))
        @info "read persons"
        persons = read_persons!(config.synpop_file)
        @info "read events"
        read_events!(sim, config.events_all, persons, worldid, healthauthid)
        @info "finish init"

Alternatively you could also check the mpi.isroot predicate.

It is important that finish_init! is called by all processes and not only by the root process, and also some other functions like e.g. write_snapshot must be called collectively from all processes.

Write a snapshot after finish_init!

If creating the initial state takes time and the process is deterministic, it is a good idea to save the state after finish_init! with write_snapshot and read this snapshot with read_snapshot! instead of recreating the graph each time.

If the process of generating the initial state is time-consuming, it is advisable to save the state after the finish_init! function completes. This can be achieved by calling the write_snapshot function. Subsequently, instead of recreating the initial graph for each simulation, you can read this snapshot using the read_snapshot! function instead.

The Vahana Episim example serves as a demonstration of how to implement this approach effectively.

The :IgnoreSourceState hint

This hint requires additional explanation about what happens internally when apply! is called.

In a parallel simulation, at the beginning of apply!, it is checked whether the transition function needs to read the state of an agent type that may have changed since the last state read. If this is the case, it checks all accessible edges (specified in the read argument of apply!) and transmits the state of agents that can be accessed (i.e., the agent type must also be included in the read argument) to the corresponding process. However, there are cases where it is clear that only the IDs of the agents will be accessed via a specific edge type, and not the agent state itself. To avoid the overhead of transmitting state between agents that will never be read, the :IgnoreSourceState hint can be used for those edge types.

This hint only affects parallel simulations, as there is nothing to transmit in a serial simulation.

Avoid agentstate calls

Instead of using agentstate to access the state of an agent, sometimes it is possible for an agent to actively send the required state associated with an edge to another agent that needs that information. This can significantly improve performance, especially when combined with the :IgnoreSourceState hint if necessary.

For example, in a Game of Life implementation, active cells can generate an edge to their neighbors if the cell is active. If this edge has the :NumEdgesOnly hint, it will directly trigger the counting process of the neighbors without the need to transfer the full state to other agents/processes.