HDF5 data storage

Vahana uses the Hierarchical Data Format version 5 (HDF5) as file format to store simulations to disc, utilizing the HDF5.jl libary. HDF5.jl again uses a C library, which is either installed with HDF5.jl or can be provided by the system. Please check the HDF5.jl documentation for details.

If the provided library supports Parallel HDF5, this will be used automatically. Using Parallel HDF5 has the advantage that all processes can write to a single file, without Parallel HDF5 multiple files are created for a single (parallel) simulation (but the Vahana API is the same in any case, so for the user this difference is only visible when looking into the h5 directory with a file manager or via the shell). But in the current Vahana version using Parallel HDF5 has the disadvantage, that the files are not compressed (see also set_compression).


To write into a HDF5 file, they are attached to a Vahama simulation. Normally this happens automatically when the first time a write function like write_snapshot is called. All following write_* calls then add additional datasets to the file.


Specify the path that is used to save and read the hdf5 files. If the directory does not exist, it is created the first time a file is written or tried to read.

See also create_h5file!

write_snapshot(sim::Simulation, [comment::String = "", ignore = []])

Writes the current state of the simulation sim to the attached HDF5 file. comment can be used to identify the snapshot via list_snapshots. ignore is a list of agent and/or edge types, that should not be written.

See also create_h5file!

create_h5file!(sim::Simulation, [filename = sim.filename; overwrite = sim.overwrite_file])

The canonical way to create an HDF5 file is to call one of the write_ functions like write_snapshot. If sim does not already have an HDF5 file attached, such a file will then be created automatically using the filename specified as keyword in create_simulation or, if this keyword was not given, the model name. But sometime it can be useful to control this manually, e.g. after a call to copy_simulation.

The filename argument can be used to specify a filename other than sim.filename. If overwrite is true, existing files with this name will be overwritten. If it is false, the filename is automatically extended by an increasing 6-digit number, so that existing files are not overwritten.

By default, the files are created in an h5 subfolder, and this is created in the current working directory. However, the path can also be set with the function set_hdf5_path.

In the case that an HDF5 file was already created for the simulation sim, this will be closed.

create_h5file! can be only called after finish_init!

See also close_h5file!, write_agents, write_edges, write_globals, read_agents!, read_edges!, read_globals, read_snapshot! and list_snapshots


Closes the HDF5 file attached to the simulation sim.

Be aware that a following call to one of the write_ functions like write_snapshot will automatically create a new file and, depending on the overwrite_file argument of create_simulation also overwrites to closed file.


Beside write_snapshot there exists also some more fine grained write functions:

write_agents(sim::Simulation, [types])

Writes the current agent state to the attached HDF5 file. If only the agents of a subset of agent types are to be written, this subset can be specified via the optional types argument.

write_edges(sim::Simulation, [types])

Writes the current edge states to the attached HDF5 file. If only the edges of a subset of edge types are to be written, this subset can be specified via the optional types argument.

write_globals(sim::Simulation, [fields])

Writes the current global values to the attached HDF5 file. If only a subset of the fields is to be written, this subset can be specified via the optional fields argument.



In the normal use case we call just write_snapshot(sim, "snapshot description") (assuming sim is a Vahama simulation). To read such a snapshot, we can then run another Script that creates the same model (see create_model) and simulation (see create_simulation) and then call read_snapshot!(sim). read_snapshot! can read also a parallel simulation into a single (REPL) process, then the distributed graph is merged into a single one.

read_snapshot!(sim::Simulation, [name::String; transition = typemax(Int64), writeable = false, ignore_params = false])
read_snapshot!(sim::Simulation, nr::Int64; [transition = typemax(Int64), writeable = false, ignore_params = false])

Read a complete snapshot from a file into the simulation sim. If name is given, the snapshot is read from the file with this filename from the h5 subfolder of the current working directory. In the other case the filename from the create_simulation call is used.

If the overwrite_file argument of create_simulation is set to true, and the file names are supplemented with a number, the number of the meant file can be specified via the nr argument.

Per default, the last written snapshot is read. The transition keyword allows to read also earlier versions. See also Transition for details.

If writeable is set to true, the file is also attached to the simulation and following write_ functions like write_snapshot will be append to the file.

If ignore_params is set to true, the parameters of sim will not be changed.

Returns false when no snapshot was found


Also here exists also some more fine grained read functions:

read_params(filename::String, T::DataType)
read_params(sim::Simulation, T::DataType)
read_params(sim::Simulation, nr::Int64, T::DataType)

Read the parameters from an HDF5 file. If filename is given, the parameters are read from the file with this filename from the h5 subfolder of the current working directory.

If a simulation sim is given instead, the filename from the create_simulation call is used.

If the overwrite_file argument of create_simulation is set to true, and the file names are supplemented with a number, the number of the meant file can be specified via the nr argument.

In any case, the DataType T of the argument params of create_simulation used for the simulation that wrote the parameters must be specified.

read_globals(name::String, T::DataType; [ transition = typemax(Int64) ])
read_globals(sim::Simulation, T::DataType; [ transition = typemax(Int64) ])
read_globals(sim::Simulation, nr::Int64, T::DataType; [ transition = typemax(Int64) ])

Read the global values from an HDF5 file. If filename is given, the parameters are read from the file with this filename from the h5 subfolder of the current working directory.

If a simulation sim is given instead, the filename from the create_simulation call is used.

If the overwrite_file argument of create_simulation is set to true, and the file names are supplemented with a number, the number of the meant file can be specified via the nr argument.

In any case, the DataType T of the argument globals of create_simulation used for the simulation that wrote the parameters must be specified.

Per default, the last written globals are read. The transition keyword allows to read also earlier versions. See also Write simulations to dics for details.

read_agents!(sim::Simulation, [name::String = sim.filename; transition = typemax(Int64), types::Vector{DataType} ])
read_agents!(sim::Simulation, nr::Int64; [transition = typemax(Int64), types::Vector{DataType}])

Read the agents from an HDF5 file into the simulation sim. If name is given, the agent are read from the file with this filename from the h5 subfolder of the current working directory, or from the subfolder set with set_hdf5_path. In the other case the filename from the create_simulation call is used.

If the overwrite_file argument of create_simulation is set to true, and the file names are supplemented with a number, the number of the meant file can be specified via the nr argument.

Per default, the last written agents are read. The transition keyword allows to read also earlier versions. See also Write simulations to dics for details.

If only the agents of a subset of agent types are to be read, this subset can be specified via the optional types argument.

When the agents from a distributed simulation is read into a single threaded simulation, the IDs of the agents are modified. read_agents! returns a dictory that contains the ID mapping.

read_edges!(sim::Simulation, [name::String = sim.filename; idmapfunc = identity, transition = typemax(Int64), types::Vector{DataType}])
read_edges!(sim::Simulation, nr::Int64; [ idmapfunc = identity, transition = typemax(Int64), types::Vector{DataType} ])

Read the edges from an HDF5 file into the simulation sim. If name is given, the edges are read from the file with this filename from the h5 subfolder of the current working directory. In the other case the filename from the create_simulation call is used.

If the overwrite_file argument of create_simulation is set to true, and the file names are supplemented with a number, the number of the meant file can be specified via the nr argument.

Per default, the last written edges are read. The transition keyword allows to read also earlier versions. See also Write simulations to disc for details.

If only the edges of a subset of edge types are to be read, this subset can be specified via the optional types argument.

When the agents from a distributed simulation is read into a single threaded simulation, the IDs of the agents are modified. The idmapfunc must be a function that must return the new agent id for a given old agent id. read_agents! returns a Dict{AgentID, AgentID} that can be used for this via: idmapfunc = (key) -> idmapping[key], where idmapping is such a Dict.

read_agents(filename::String, type; transition = typemax(Int64))

Read the agentstates of type type from an HDF5 file with the name filename. The agent are read from the h5 subfolder of the current working directory, or from the subfolder set with set_hdf5_path.

Per default, the last written agents are read. The transition keyword allows to read also earlier versions. See also Write simulations to disc for details.

Returns a vector of agentstates.

read_edges(filename::String, type; transition = typemax(Int64))

Read the edgestates of type T from an HDF5 file with the name filename. The edgestates are read from the h5 subfolder of the current working directory, or from the subfolder set with set_hdf5_path.

Per default, the last written edgestates are read. The transition keyword allows to read also earlier versions. See also Write simulations to disc for details.

Returns a vector of edgestates.



All read_* functions have a keyword called transition. If this is not set, the last stored data of a type is always read, but via this keyword it is also possible to read the previous state of the simulation (or a part of it) (assuming it was written multiple times, of course).

Vahana counts internally how many times the function apply! is called (in the current Vahana implementation this is stored in a field called num_transitions of the simulation). When a new dataset is created by a write_* call, this information is stored with the dataset.

When read_snapshot! is called, Vahana looks for the highest num_transition that is less than or equal to the transition keyword for the types to be read. Since the default value for the argument is typemax(Int64), the newest dataset is read by default.

For snapshots the list_snapshots function returns a list of all stored snapshots in the file.

list_snapshots(sim::Simulation, nr::Int64)

List all snapshots of a HDF5 file. If name is given, the snapshots from the file with this filename is returned. In the other case the filename from the create_simulation call is used.

If the overwrite_file argument of create_simulation is set to true, and the file names are supplemented with a number, the number of the meant file can be specified via the nr argument.

Returns a vector of tuples, where the first element is the transition number for which a snapshot was saved, and the second element is the comment given in the write_snapshot call.



It's possible to attach Metadata to the parameters and globals of a simulation.

write_metadata(sim::Simulation, type::Union{Symbol, DataType}, field::Symbol, key::Symbol, value)

Attach metadata to a field of an agent- or edgetype or the globals or params struct (see create_simulation) or to a raster (in that case field must be the name of the raster). type must be an agent- or edgetype, :Global, :Param or :Raster. Metadata is stored via key, value pairs, so that multiple data of different types can be attached to a single field.

See also: read_metadata

read_metadata(sim::Simulation, type::Union{Symbol, DataType}[, field::Symbol, key::Symbol ])
read_metadata(filename::String, type::Union{Symbol, DataType}[, field::Symbol, key::Symbol ])

Attach metadata to a field of an agent- or edgetype or the globals or params struct (see create_simulation) or to a raster (in that case field must be the name of the raster). type must be an agent- or edgetype, :Global, :Param or :Raster. Metadata is stored via key, value pairs, so that multiple data of different

Read metadata for a field of an agent- or edgetype or the globals or params struct (see create_simulation) or to a raster (in that case field must be the name of the raster). type must be an agent- or edgetype :Global, :Param or :Raster. Metadata is stored via key, value pairs. Multiple data of different types can be attached to a single field, a single piece of the metadata can be retrived via the key parameter. If this is not set (or set to Symbol()), a Dict{Symbol, Any} with the complete metadata of this field is returned.

See also: write_metadata

read_sim_metadata(sim::Simulation, [ key::Symbol = Symbol() ])
read_sim_metadata(filename::String, [ key::Symbol = Symbol() ])

Read metadata for a simulation or from the file filename. Metadata is stored via key, value pairs. If key is not set (or set to Symbol()), a Dict{Symbol, Any} with the complete metadata of the simulation is returned.

The following metadata is stored automatically:

  • simulation_name
  • model_name
  • date (in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")

See also: write_metadata


Restrictions and Workarounds

The exact datastructs that can be stored and read from a HDF5 depends in the HDF5.jl implementation. E.g. before v0.16.15 Tuples where not supported.

The following functions are workarounds for two current restrictions.


The HDF5.jl library does not support the storage of nested structs, but structs can have NamedTuples as fields. This function creates a convert function from a struct to a corresponding NamedTuple (and also the other way around), so after calling this for a type T, T can be the type of an agent/edge/param/global field.


The HDF5.jl library does not support Enums as fields of structs that should be stored. This function add this support but as this involves type piracy, this support must be enabled explicitly.


Example Model

The tutorials in the documentation does not include examples for the file storage functionality, but this model is a good example, which also demonstrates checkpointing (resuming a simulation after an interruption), and working with initial snapshots (the initialized simulation state is stored after the graph structure is constructed and distributed to the different processes).