
Vahana utilize Julia's Standard Logging Library to optionally create log files with e.g. the duration of the transition functions. For each process a seperate file is created.


Specify the path that is used to save the log files. If the directory does not exist, it is created the first time a log file is written.

Must be called before create_simulation. If this is not done, the log files are written to a subfolder log of the current working directory.

create_logger!(sim::Simulation, [debug = false, name = sim.name; overwrite = sim.overwrite_file])

The canonical way to create log files for a simulation is by setting the logging keyword of create_simulation to true. But sometime it can be useful to control this manually, e.g. after a call to copy_simulation.

When also debug is set to true, the log file contains more details and the stream will be flushed after each write.

The filename argument can be used to specify a filename other than sim.filename. If overwrite is true, existing files with this name will be overwritten. If it is false, the filename is automatically extended by an increasing 6-digit number, so that existing files are not overwritten.

The files are always created in a log subfolder, and this one will be create in the current working directory.

with_logger(f::Function, sim::Simulation)

Execute function f, directing all log messages to the logger that is attached to simulation sim.



Dump an overview of the simulation sim to the attached logfile.
